The Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce is part of a larger network that is advocating on behalf of your business!
Most recently, the Crystal Lake Chamber of Commerce has been advocating for the following:
Advocating for Federal CARES Act funds for Crystal Lake Businesses with the City of Crystal Lake. The city is now offering $750,000 in Impacted Business Grants for businesses and restaurants negatively affected by the restrictions. Click here for information!
Against any unreasonable lock-down restrictions imposed on businesses and restaurants, citing that any unreasonable proposed restrictions and/or limitations further increase economic and mental health pressures on local business owners and employees.
Opposing the proposed Illinois Progressive Income Tax ("Fair Tax").
Increasing the occupancy percentage allowed in businesses and restaurants as winter approaches and outdoor dining becomes difficult.
Asking the Governor to separate McHenry County from Chicago in the Covid-19 designated health regions.
Clarification on Covid-19 guidelines for businesses and restaurants.
To allow restaurants to expand and offer outdoor dining.